miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

Post ten

English Language Challenges

So for me English is a very important tool that you can need in whatever aspect of your life, so it's very important for me to improve every day, learning new words, trying to read and listen as much as I can in this language. But I have to say that it wasn't that easy for me, because around 3-4 years ago I could not manage this language as I do now, but that change when I became an exchange student and I went to Canada for 9 months. 

So in the beginning it wasn't easy, a lot of new words every day, slangs, and the different pronunciations were a real challenge, but the necessity of communication with other people, made me improve very fast, you can't imagine the difference between one month to the next one, so I'm so happy and grateful for that experience. But I consider that I'm not a bilingual person yet, because although I had improve a lot in the last years, I still thinking that I have a lack of vocabulary and some problems with the sentence composition, that I think only the practice can give you. For that reason I'm glad to have English at the university, because it's a time where I change my switch and I start to think in English, also conscious as never before of my learning, I think because at school I didn't learn much because I didn’t understand either, so now this is great for my development.

To finish I think that practice is the most important thing and depends on you to keep doing it, even if you don’t have an English class anymore. Also I think that blogs are a very useful tool to learn this language, specially grammar and vocabulary as I’m not used to do it. 

miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2016

Post nine

Changing our university program

I thinks we all know the problems and the needs of our university and how University of Chile have huge economic and social differences between faculties, is a general education problem, but going to the FAU I think is one of the "poor" faculties and you just need to walk thought the FAU to FEN to see the HUGE difference, so it is sad see this differences, also being in the same campus, is like your brother living in a mansion meanwhile you are sleeping in the yard.  So I believe that our faculty and university needs very big changes.

In our infrastructure, we see that the laboratories, the printers, the lasers machine, the lunch counter, etc., are not enough to our needs, even if you go to the bathroom, you are lucky if you find a toilet paper!. And it is almost sarcastic when I heard the history of the titanic (the green building) that says that stills not ended , those who are study here can see that has that name because it has filtrations, and all this in a architecture faculty, is almost part of the
essence of FAU.  

But not everything is bad I think our education still really good and our teachers too, but can be better, especially in the curriculum that is very stressful in some weeks when workshop combine with the
theoretical tests, and forget about doing some sport because it is not free time and even we cannot use the FEN’s gym.

So I know that maybe some problems are being seeing under my career perspective but I think design and geography has others problems too, so I don’t expect to see the solutions while I’m studying my career but I hope in the future the students can enjoy better things and better possibilities than today.