My future job
So now i'm in my way to get my title and become an architect , so by then I think I will have all the movie more clear.
Until that I think are two things that I'm interested to do in my area. First I'm interested on the configurations of the city, how the people. the streets, and how a boring or a fun city can make very big differents on their citizens. I know is pretty early to say this things, actually I started with urbanism just a couple of weeks ago and is very easy so see it in that way but i found it very interesting, to explore an explote especially in a country where urbanism is not considered as has to be.
Second can be a project maker, someone who are encharged to do whaterever of what the clients wants. So I think can be interesting in the way that you improve the way of making architecture, the form, the shape, circulations, etc. I think you improve everytime that you make a different project.
But again I think can it change a lot through this years, because I like others things too. Starting for the point that I preffer the outdoors activities instead of indoors, hating the office schedule. So I will preffer less salary if that let me enjoy more my family, friends and other activities, I'll work for live and not living for work.
So that I what can I say until today, maybe can it change through the time and other hobbies can be a very important part of my life.